In My Cart: Social Eras (w/Bonus Mirror Selfie Parade)

There I was, minding my own business while sitting in the school carpool line a couple of weeks ago, when who should call on my cellular mobile smartphone but my good friend and preternaturally attractive human, Court. He and I sang in an a cappella group in college together, which - as anyone who’s done the same knows - means that we are bonded eternally in our shared joy/misery at the hands of the pitch pipe. But Court wasn’t calling to see if I still remembered the alto part to “Like A Prayer” (I do) but he had some exciting news to share: his e-commerce company recently launched an online clothing & accessories boutique called Social Eras, and he thought I might take a liking to it. And guys? He was not wrong.

As soon as I had a free moment I visited the site, and my first thoughts as I began browsing through the wares were as follows:

1) “Wait. Wait. How is this level of fabrication (i.e. 100% cashmere, leather, or Australian wool) and style so affordable??”


2) “add to cart, add to cart, add to cart”

Now let me be clear. Yes, Court is my homie. Yes, he very generously offered to gift me a few pieces because he wanted my honest opinion about them. But believe me when I say that I would never entertain, let alone endorse anything unless my feelings about it were genuinely positive, so regardless of the aforementioned circumstances I am a fan of these lewks and I don’t mind declaring it. The clothing is on-trend, but not so much that you won’t be able to wear it in years to come. And of course, I’d be remiss not to restate the fact that everything is way below market price. So there’s no reason whatsoever that you shouldn’t buy yourself a treat or two and then go back for some holiday gifting.

I was invited to go check out the Fall collection at the Social Eras offices here in Los Angeles, and had the pleasure of picking out some of my favorite pieces to style & share with you all. Check them out below in a series of poorly but earnestly shot mirror selfies, because I am not an influencer and do not have a photographer or lighting crew at my disposal.

And now for the fun part. Do yourself a favor and take a gander at some of the sumptuous knits, cozy jackets, and casual suiting currently sitting pretty in my wishlist/cart, all of which are available on the Social Eras site now, and tell me you’re not temped. Go on, I’ll wait...

Camilla Kim5 Comments